The Art of Review and Proofing: Ensuring Perfection in Every Print

"Ensuring that every printed product meets the highest standards of quality and precision is at the heart of our mission..."

Our review and proofing process is designed to provide a seamless, premium experience that guarantees your complete satisfaction. Here’s a detailed look at how our process works and how you can make the most of it.

Step 1: In-House Proofing Review

Our commitment to quality begins with our in-house proofing review. As soon as we receive your artwork, our team of experts meticulously examines every detail to ensure it meets our impeccable standards. We check for clarity, resolution, color accuracy, and overall design integrity. This initial review is crucial for identifying and addressing any potential issues before moving forward.

Step 2: Final Mockup Approval

After our thorough in-house review, we prepare a detailed mockup of your design. This mockup is sent to you for final approval. It serves as a visual representation of how your design will appear on the final product. This step ensures that your vision is fully realized and allows you to make any necessary adjustments.

Step 3: Press Proof Option

For clients seeking an extra layer of assurance, we offer the option of a press proof. A press proof is a photo sample of the final product on press, allowing you to see and review the quality of the print before the entire order goes into production. This exclusive service is designed to give you complete confidence in the final outcome.

The 1-Hour Approval Window

To streamline our process and ensure timely production, we have established a 1-hour window for approving or requesting revisions to the press proof.

Once you receive the press proof, you have one hour to review it and provide feedback.

If we do not receive a response within this timeframe, the job is auto-approved and moves forward into production.

This efficient process helps us maintain our commitment to delivering high-quality products on schedule.

Auto-Decline Option for Press Proof Approvals

You have the option to select 'Auto-Decline' for your proof approval process.

Here’s how it works:

If the proof is not approved within the designated 1-hour window, your job will be automatically declined and placed on hold. If you miss the approval window, you will be charged for an additional press proof. You will then have 24 hours to review and approve the new proof.

Choosing 'Auto-Decline' ensures that we do not proceed with production without your final approval, maintaining the highest standards of quality and accuracy for your prints.

Benefits of Our Premium Proofing Process

Precision and Accuracy

Our in-house review ensures that every detail of your design is meticulously checked for accuracy. This precision helps us catch any potential issues early, ensuring that your final product is flawless.

Enhanced Confidence

The mockup and press proof options provide you with multiple opportunities to review and approve your design. This thorough process gives you complete confidence that the final product will meet your expectations.

Streamlined Efficiency

Our 1-hour approval window for press proofs helps us maintain an efficient workflow, ensuring that your order is completed on time without compromising quality. This balance of thorough review and timely production is key to our premium service.

How to Make the Most of Our Proofing Process

  1. Provide Clear and High-Quality Artwork: Ensure your designs are at least 300 DPI and use vector files whenever possible. Convert all fonts to outlines to avoid any font issues.
  2. Review Mockups Carefully: Take the time to thoroughly review the mockup we provide. Check for any discrepancies and ensure that every detail aligns with your vision.
  3. Respond Promptly: If you opt for a press proof, make sure to review it within the 1-hour window. Prompt feedback helps us keep your project on schedule.


Our review and proofing process is designed to provide a premium experience, ensuring that every print we produce meets the highest standards of quality and precision. By partnering with us and following these guidelines, you can be confident that your final product will be nothing short of perfection. Let us help you bring your creative visions to life with unmatched excellence and care.